- Dec, 2024: One co-author paper about continual learning with strategic selection and forgetting for network intrusion detection is accepted by Infocom 2025. Congrat to Xinchen!
- Nov, 2024: Our feasibility study for diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adolescents using commercial activity trackers has been accepted by Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Open. Thanks to Adrienne & Prof. Wong's team (Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy @ HKU)!
- Oct, 2024: One co-author paper about a lightweight blockchain for verifiable and scalable federated learning in massive edge networks is accepted by IEEE TMC. Congrat to Handi!
- July, 2024: I am very happy and honored to have been selected as one of the recipients of the HKU Foundation First Year Excellent PhD Award!
- Jun, 2024: I give a talk at Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two @ HKU titled "Empowering Pervasive Healthcare: Mobile Analytics Systems Leveraging Multimodal Data". [Poster]
- Jun, 2024: One co-author paper about an anomaly detection system using isomorphic analysis for false data injection attacks in industrial control systems is accepted by Journal of the Franklin Institute. Congrat to Xinchen!
- Apr, 2024: One co-author paper about an open-environment robot management system for on-campus services is accepted by ACM IMWUT 2024. Congrat to Yufei & Prof. Chen's team!
- Jan, 2024: One co-author paper about internal cross-layer gradients for extending homogeneity to heterogeneity in Federated Learning is accepted by ICLR 2024. Congrat to Yun-Hin! [OpenReview]
- Dec, 2023: One co-author paper about an autonomous online framework with contrastive learning for intrusion detection is accepted by Infocom 2024. Congrat to Xinchen!
- Dec, 2023: News release of our work on Health Inference System during School Closures on @HKUniversity on Twitter 📢! [Link]
- Oct, 2023: Presented our work HealthPrism at IEEE VIS 2023 😄! [Demo]
- Oct, 2023: Presented our work at UbiComp 2023. It was the first time I presented at an international conference😄! [Presentations][Poster]
- Sep, 2023: One survey paper about disease diagnoses using wearable devices and machine learning is accepted by IEEE IoTJ!
- Aug, 2023: I give a talk at MARS Group @ Xiamen University titled "Interactive Visual Analytics for Healthcare with Multimodal Data".
- July, 2023: One co-author paper about the stability of stochastic finite-field networks is accepted by IEEE TCNS. Congrat to Lin & Prof. Lam!
- July, 2023: One co-author paper about predicting the queue state of hospital emergency department using crowdsensing mobility data-driven models is accepted by ACM IMWUT 2023. Congrat to Tieqi & Prof. Chen's team!
- July, 2023: One paper about visual analytics of children's health with multimodal data is accepted by IEEE VIS 2023. See you in Melbourne, Australia!
- June, 2023: Present a poster at Ambient AI Workshop @ ICASSP2023, Rhodes, Greece.
- May, 2023: Pass the RPG probationary interview! My Ph.D. candidature is confirmed on 01 March 2023.
- Jan, 2023: One paper about children's health inference during school closures is accepted by ACM IMWUT 2023. Thanks to Prof. Ip's team (Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine @ HKU)! See you in UbiComp/ISWC 2023 at Cancun, Mexico!
- Aug, 2022: One paper about understanding drivers’ visual and comprehension Loads in traffic violation hotspots is accepted by IEEE TITS 2022!
- Aug, 2022: One paper about identifying the high-risk population for COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong is accepted by Healthcare 2022. Thanks to Ka Man & Dr. So's team (Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine @ HKU)!
- May, 2022: One co-author paper about graph-based demand modeling and station rebalancing for bike sharing system is accepted by IEEE TMC 2022. Congrat to Hang & Prof. Chen's team!
- Feb, 2022: One co-author paper about personalized visual aid for appearance building products selection is accepted by CHI 2022. Congrat to Chuhan & Prof. Ma!
- Sept, 2021: Attend the virtual conference UbiComp/ISWC 2021 as co-author.
- Sept, 2021: Join Dr. Ngai's IoT Lab to pursue Ph.D. degree at HKU.