- [INFOCOM'25] Xinchen Zhang, Running Zhao, Zhihan Jiang, Handi Chen, Yulong Ding, Edith C.H. Ngai and Shuanghua Yang. Continual Learning with Strategic Selection and Forgetting for Network Intrusion Detection. The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2025. [link]
- [JAACAPOpen'24] Zhihan Jiang*, Adrienne Y.L. Chan*, Dawn Lum, Kirstie HTY Wong, Janice CN Leung, Patrick Ip, David Coghill, Rosa S Wong, Edith C.H. Ngai, Ian C.K. Wong. Wearable Signals for Diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents: A Feasibility Study. Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Open, 2024. (* co-first author) [link]
- [TMC'24] Handi Chen, Rui Zhou, Yun-Hin Chan, Zhihan Jiang, Xianhao Chen, Edith C.H. Ngai. LiteChain: A Lightweight Blockchain for Verifiable and Scalable Federated Learning in Massive Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. [link]
- [JFranklin'24] Xinchen Zhang, Zhihan Jiang, Yulong Ding, Edith C.H. Ngai, Shuang-Hua Yang. Anomaly Detection using Isomorphic Analysis for False Data Injection Attacks in Industrial Control Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, June 2024. [link]
- [UbiComp'24] Yufei Wang, Wenting Zeng, Changzhen Liu, Zhuohan Ye, Jiawei Sun, Junxiang Ji, Zhihan Jiang, Xianyi Yan, Yongyi Wu, Yigao Wang, Dingqi Yang, Leye Wang, Daqing Zhang, Cheng Wang, Longbiao Chen. CrowdBot: An Open-Environment Robot Management System for On-Campus Services. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2024. [link]
- [INFOCOM'24] Xinchen Zhang, Running Zhao, Zhihan Jiang, Zhicong Sun, Yulong Ding, Edith C.H. Ngai and Shuanghua Yang. AOC-IDS: Autonomous Online Framework with Contrastive Learning for Intrusion Detection. The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2024. [link]
- [ICLR'24] Yun-Hin Chan, Rui Zhou, Running Zhao, Zhihan Jiang, Edith C.H. Ngai. Internal Cross-layer Gradients for Extending Homogeneity to Heterogeneity in Federated Learning. The 12th International Conference on Learning Representations, Vienna, Austria, May 2024. [link]
- [IoTJ'23] Zhihan Jiang, Vera van Zoest, Weipeng Deng, Edith C.H. Ngai, Jiangchuan Liu. Leveraging Machine Learning for Disease Diagnoses based on Wearable Devices: A Survey. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. [link][pdf]
- [VIS'23] Zhihan Jiang, Handi Chen, Rui Zhou, Jing Deng, Xinchen Zhang, Running Zhao, Cong Xie, Yifang Wang, Edith C.H. Ngai. HealthPrism: A Visual Analytics System for Exploring Children's Physical and Mental Health Profiles with Multimodal Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE Visualization Conference), 2023. [arXiv][demo][link]
- [ICASSPW'23] Zhihan Jiang, Cong Xie, Edith C.H. Ngai. A Health Profiling Framework for Children Leveraging Multimodal Learning Based on Ambient Sensor Signals. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops - Ambient AI: Multimodal Wearable Sensor Understanding. [link]
- [UbiComp'23] Zhihan Jiang, Lin Lin, Xinchen Zhang, Jianduo Luan, Running Zhao, Longbiao Chen, James Lam, Ka Man Yip, Hung Kwan So, Wilfred HS Wong, Patrick Ip, Edith C.H. Ngai. A Data-Driven Context-Aware Health Inference System for Children during School Closures. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol.7, issue 1, no.18, 2023. [link][pdf]
- [TCNS'23] Lin Lin, Zhihan Jiang, Hong Lin, Edith C.H. Ngai, James Lam. On Quotients of Stochastic Networks over Finite Fields. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2023. [link][Quotient Generator]
- [UbiComp'23] Tieqi Shou, Zhuohan Ye, Yayao Hong, Zhiyuan Wang, Hang Zhu, Zhihan Jiang, Dingqi Yang, Binbin Zhou, Cheng Wang, Longbiao Chen. CrowdQ: Predicting the Queue State of Hospital Emergency Department Using Crowdsensing Mobility Data-Driven Models. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2023. [link]
- [TITS'22] Zhihan Jiang, Xin He, Chenhui Lu, Binbin Zhou, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang, Xiaojuan Ma, Edith C.H. Ngai, Longbiao Chen. Understanding Drivers' Visual and Comprehension Loads in Traffic Violation Hotspots Leveraging Crowd-Based Driving Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. [link][pdf]
- [Healthcare'22] Zhihan Jiang*, Ka-Man Yip*, Xinchen Zhang, Jing Deng, Wilfred Wong, Hung-Kwan So, Edith C. H. Ngai. Identifying the High-Risk Population for COVID-19 Transmission in Hong Kong Leveraging Explainable Machine Learning. Healthcare 2022, 10(9). (* co-first author) [link]
- [CHI'22] Chuhan Shi, Zhihan Jiang, Xiaojuan Ma, Qiong Luo. A Personalized Visual Aid for Selections of Appearance Building Products with Long-term Effects. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022. [link][pdf]
- [UIC'22] Jiannan Gao, Yigao Wang, Zhihan Jiang, Hang Zhu, Qiyue Zhong, Xiaoliang Fan, Longbiao Chen, Cheng Wang. iTA: Inferring Traffic Accident Hotspots with Vehicle Trajectories and Road Environment Data. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Haikou, China, 2022.[link]
- [TMC'22] Hang Zhu, Tieqi Shou, Ruiying Guo, Zhihan Jiang, Zeyu Wang, Zhiyuan Wang, Zhiyong Yu, Weijie Zhang, Cheng Wang, Longbiao Chen. RedPacketBike: A Graph-Based Demand Modeling and Crowd-Driven Station Rebalancing Framework for Bike Sharing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022. [link]
- [TMC'21] Zhihan Jiang, Hang Zhu, Binbin Zhou, Chenhui Lu, Mingfei Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang, Longbiao Chen. CrowdPatrol: A Mobile Crowdsensing Framework for Traffic Violation Hotspot Patrolling. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021. [link][pdf][system][patrol routes]
- [JNCA'21] Longbiao Chen, Zhihan Jiang, Dingqi Yang, Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen, Cheng Wang. Fog Radio Access Network Optimization for 5G Leveraging User Mobility and Traffic Data. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021. [link][pdf][system]
- [UbiComp'21] Longbiao Chen, Chenhui Lu, Fangxu Yuan, Zhihan Jiang, Leye Wang, Daqing Zhang, Ruixiang Luo, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang. UVLens: Urban Village Boundary Identification and Population Estimation Leveraging Open Government Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021. [link]
- [UIC'21] Xin He, Hong Hong, Yanwen Liu, Xiaojuan Ma, Zhihan Jiang, Longbiao Chen, Ming Cheng, Cheng Wang, Yongchuan Li. CovidPass: A Contactless Check-in System for Keeping Social Distance in Public Health Crisis. The 18th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2021. [link]
- [ISJ'20] Zhihan Jiang, Longbiao Chen, Binbin Zhou, Jinchun Huang, Tianqi Xie, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang. iTV: Inferring Traffic Violation-Prone Locations with Vehicle Trajectories and Road Environment. IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. [link][pdf][system][traffic signs]
- [FCS'20] Zhihan Jiang, Yan Liu, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li, Longbiao Chen. Understanding Urban Structures and Crowd Dynamics Leveraging Large-Scale Vehicle Mobility Data. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2020. [link][pdf][system]
- [UIC'19] Ruiying Guo, Zhihan Jiang, Jingchun Huang, Jianrong Tao, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li, Longbiao Chen*. BikeNet: Accurate Bike Demand Prediction Using Graph Neural Networks for Station Rebalancing. The 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Leicester, UK, 2019. [pdf]
- [EWSN'19] Longbiao Chen, Zhihan Jiang, Jiangtao Wang, Yasha Wang. Data-Driven Bike Sharing System Optimization: State of the Art and Future Opportunities. The 2019 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Beijing, China, 2019. [pdf]
- Hong Lin, Lin Lin, Zhihan Jiang, Zhiyi Zhong, Xin Yuan, Cheuk Han Ngai, Shen Lin. A Method for Determining the Connectivity of a Directed Network. China Patent No.2023115304386. (pending)
- Longbiao Chen, Zhihan Jiang, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang, Hong Hong. A Method, System, and Readable Storage Medium for Patrol Route Planning Based on Traffic Violation Hotspot Prediction. China Patent CN112016735A.
- Longbiao Chen, Zhihan Jiang, Cheng Wang. A Method and System for Traffic Violation Identification Based on Traffic Data and Street View Data. China Patent CN111259767A.
- Longbiao Chen, Ruiying Guo, Zhihan Jiang, Zhiyuan Wang, Cheng Wang. A Method for Bike Demand Prediction and Scheduling Based on Deep Learning and Crowd Sensing. China Patent CN111915057A.